  • Journal

The Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR)
The Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR), a peer-reviewed bimonthly biomedical publication, intends to provide international biomedical researchers with an open forum to disseminate important new information in biomedical research. JBR is covered by major abstracting and indexing services and welcomes submissions from authors worldwide. It publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports, and also accepts Letter to the Editor. JBR covers the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas of biological and biomedical sciences with focuses on mechanistic studies at the molecular level. Manuscripts with innovative ideas and/or approaches that bridge different fields are considered with priority. All articles published by JBR are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Now JBR is indexed by PubMed, Scopus, CA, DOAJ and Index Copernicus.
  JBR homepage: http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbrint

The Journal of Nanjing Medical University (Basic Sciences)
The Journal of Nanjing Medical University (Basic Sciences) is a peer-reviewed monthly scientific journal in medicine, created in 1956, and is published by the Education Department of Jiangsu Province. The Journal publishes original research articles on basic medicine, clinical medicine, and preventive medicine. The reviewer database has 185 doctoral supervisors and 812 master supervisors from Nanjing Medical University, and a number of experts in different medical disciplines from other institutions of China. The strict peer review ensures the high quality of the Journal. The Journal has been indexed by multiple famous Chinese and foreign databases, such as the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD, from 2007), the Chinese Core Periodicals Overview Catalogue (from 2000), the key Magazine of China Technology Database, the Chemical Abstract (CA, USA), the Index of Copernicus (IC, Poland), the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (Chinese Bibliographic Database), and Ulrich's Periodicals Director (Ulrichsweb, USA). Based on the information from the Web of Sci, the Journal has been cited 138 times in the journals of SCIE. Authors of the Journal are from a variety of institutions in China, including universities, scientific institutions, and hospitals. The impact of the Journal is continually increasing, and its position in the Chinese Core Periodicals Overview Catalogue has improved from 14th place to 10th place. It received the Jiangsu Press and Publishing Government Awards on Journal Nominations in 2013. The Journal ranks first in Jiangsu Province and has become the first choice for local submission because of its high impact.

The Journal of Nanjing Medical University (Social Sciences)
The Journal of Nanjing Medical University (Social Sciences) is a scientific sociological journal in medicine. Since 2000, the Journal’s scope is aimed at providing services for medical careers in China, as well as providing a platform for scientific communication in the medical innovations, hospital management, life ethics, and medical education. According to search results found in CNKI, the Journal accumulatively published 1,261 papers, which were downloaded 96,318 times. It has been cited 3,852 times and this rate has increased steadily, with a current H index of 20. The Journal has a good reputation among similar Journals, and has had an impressive impact on medical humanities.