序号 | Chinese Name of Institution | English Name of Institution | State or Region | Website |
1 | 英国曼彻斯特大学 | University of Manchester | U.K. | |
2 | 白俄罗斯国立医科大学 | Belarusian State Medical University | Belarusian | |
3 | 肯尼亚卡巴拉克大学 | Kabarak University | Kenya | |
4 | 哈佛大学医学院 | Harvard Medical School | U.S.A | |
5 | 日本藤田医科大学 | Fujita Medical University | Japan | |
6 | 日本SOCIUM公司 | SOCIUM INC. | Japan | |
7 | 澳门科技大学 | Macau University of Science and Technology | Macau,China | |
8 | 奥什州际联合医院 | Osh Provincial Clinical Hospital | Kyrgyz Republic | https://oshmed.edu.kg/osh-state-university/affiliated-hospitals/ |
9 | 中山医学大学 | Chung Shan Medical University | Taiwan,China | |
10 | 加拿大多伦多大学 | University of Toronto | Canada | |
11 | 美国哈佛大学 | Harvard University | U.S.A | |
12 | 多伦多大学 - 大学健康网络 | University of Toronto - University Health Network | Canada | |
13 | 台北医学大学(图书馆) | Taipei Medical University (Librarieas) | Taiwan,China | |
14 | 塞米伊医科大学 | Semey Medical University | Kasachstan | |
15 | 南卡罗来纳大学 | University of South Carolina | U.S.A | |
16 | 邓迪大学 | University of Dundee | U.S.A | |
17 | 昆士兰科技大学 | Queensland University of Technolog | Australia | |
18 | 南卡罗来纳大学 - 阿诺德公共卫生学院 | University of South Carolina - Arnold School of Public Health | U.S.A | https://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/public_health_at_a_glance/index.php |
19 | 哥德堡大学 - 健康科学研究院 | University of Gothenburg - Institute of Health and Care Sciences | Sweden | |
20 | 克雷顿大学 | Creighton University | U.S.A | |
21 | 奥塔哥大学 | University of Otago | New Zealand | |
22 | 韦恩州立大学 | Wayne State University | U.S.A | |
23 | 爱丁堡大学 | The University of Edinburgh | U.K. | |
24 | 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 - 公共卫生学院 | UCLA - Fielding School of Public | U.S.A | |
25 | 内布拉斯加大学医学中心 | University of Nebraska Medical Center | U.S.A | |
26 | 美国密歇根大学公共卫生学院 | University of Michigan School of Public Health | U.S.A | |
27 | 挪威科技大学医学与健康科学学院 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Medicine and Health Sciences | Norwegian | https://www.ntnu.edu/mh/faculty-of-medicine-and-health-sciences |
28 | 利雅卡特医科大学 | Liaquat Medical College | Pakistan | |
29 | 利雅卡特医学和健康科学大学 | Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences | Pakistan | |
30 | 康民医院 | Bumrungrad International Hospital | Thailand | |
31 | 巴基斯坦开伯尔医科大学 | Khyber Medical University | Pakistan | |
32 | 印度尼西亚Prima大学 | Universitas Prima Indonesia | Indonesia | |
33 | 开伯尔医科大学公共卫生学院 | Khyber Medical University Peshawar - Institue of Public Health | Pakistan | https://iphss.kmu.edu.pk/kmu-institutes/institute-public-health-hayatabad-peshawar |
34 | 圣乔治大学 | St. George's University | Grenada | |
35 | 毛里求斯大学 | University of Mauritius | Mauritius | |
36 | GADING PLUT Hospital | GADING PLUT Hospital | Indonesia | |
37 | 加德满都大学医学院 | Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences | Nepal | |
38 | 埃迪斯科文大学 | Edith Cowan University | Australia | |
39 | 远东国立医科大学 | The Far Eastern State Medical University | Russia | |
40 | 西安大略大学 | Western University | Canada | |
41 | 西三一大学 | Trinity Western University | Canada | |
42 | 西安大略大学Schulich医学与牙科学院 | Western University - Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry | Canada | |
43 | 辅仁大学 | Fu Jen Catholic University | Taiwan,China | |
44 | CARF INTERNATIONAL | CARF INTERNATIONAL | nonprofit organization | |
45 | 印度尼西亚Prima大学附属皇家Prima医院 | RSU Royal Prima | Indonesia | |
46 | 印度尼西亚巴淡大学 | UNIVERSITAS BATAM | Indonesia | |
47 | 挪威科技大学 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norwegian | |
48 | 马里兰大学 | University of Maryland | U.S.A | |
49 | 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 | University of Illinois Chicago | U.S.A | |
50 | 汉诺威医学院 | Hannover Medical School | Germany | |
51 | 林口长庚医院 | Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou | Taiwan,China | |
52 | 丹麦首都大区卫生产业集群 | The Capital Region of Denmark | Denmark | https://stateofgreen.com/en/solution-providers/the-capital-region-of-denmark/ |
53 | 首尔峨山医院 | Asan Medical Center | Korea | |
54 | 名古屋第二红十字医院 | Nagoya Second Red Cross Hospital | Japan |