  • Library

Nanjing Medical University Library was established in 1934. It is the medical literature center of Jiangsu Academic Library & Information System, member library of China Academic Library & Information System, Jiangsu Engineering Technology Literature Information Center and Jiangsu Medical and Health Center and Grand 1 Station of Chinese Academic Periodical Literature and Information Retrieval. The library has approximately the gross area of 25,000 m2 and more than 2000 reading seats distributed in Wutai and Jiangning campus. Under the service mode: integration of retrieval、read、borrow and preservation, the library is opened for 93 hours per week and 24 hours per day 7 days per week of online resources. Besides borrowing, the library also provides following services: document delivery, novelty search, citation search, special topic retrieval and retrieval course & training.

Nanjing Medical University Library’s collection is emphasized on preclinical medical, clinical medicine, stomatology, preventive medicine, biology, and pharmacy, taking maths, physics, chemistry, computer, management, social science and literature as supplement. It currently has 910,000 printed resources, 52 databases, 720,000 e-books and 38,000 full text e-journals.

With the service philosophy “reader-oriented” and direction for digital library construction, the library is playing a unique role in scientific research, culture communication and social service of Nanjing Medical University.