Radiology Department of Nanjing Benq Medical Center is the subject unit with its excellent scholar traditions and conscientious and careful spirit. The department involves traditional radiology, interventional radiology, CT, MR and color US. Currently it owns a suite of modern equipments which are the country’s 1st degree, such as 1.5T high field MR system, 16-slice and 64-slice high speed spiral CT system, digital subtraction angiography(DSA), mammography devices; digital Radiography, 3D color Doppler ultrasonography system, picture archiving and communication system.
There are 14 professionals with middle and high degree title. The chair is a professor and doctoral Tutorn and He has been section editor of European Journal of Radiology since 2006 and has been editorial board member or reviewer of the other six Chinese journals. He is the member of Chinese Medical Doctor Association of Radiation and Jiangsu Radiology Society. Another associate chief physician is a master's supervisor.
Currently the department of technology advantage and characteristic mainly reflects in the following respects: The cardiovascular imaging(CT and MRI) and post-processing techniques, Knee MRI imaging and diagnosis, CTU; Radiofrequency ablation therapy in tumor via ultrasound, interventional therapy in congenital heart disease via ultrasound, Three dimensional ultrasound and real Three dimensional ultrasound in foetus, interventional therapy and biopsy guided by ultrasound and Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in celiac organ and heart; Tips and carotid artery stent angioplasty.
Over the past 5 years, more than 10 academic papers have been published in the provincial or higher level magazines. They have got more than 6 project plans from China Medical Foundation, the provincial sci-tech bureau, the provincial healthcare bureau and the city’s government. More and more progress has been made in the aspect of clinical research, new tech application, graduate-student teaching and academic activities.