The School of Basic Medical Sciences consists of 3 undergraduate majors in forensic science,biotechnology and biomedical engineering.
Forensic science
Students are required to complete the curriculum within 6 years (including 4 years in Nanjing Medical University and 2 years in Nanjing Normal University). After graduation, they can get undergraduate diploma, bachelor’s degree of medicine and law. We recruit 25 to 35 students every year.
Four years, including 1st year in learning basic courses,2nd and 3rd year in learning essential and core courses in specialty,and 4th year in graduation practice. Granted with Bachelor of Science. Enrolling 25-35 students every year.
Biomedical engineering
Students are required to complete the curriculum within 4 years and will get undergraduate diploma and bachelor’s degree of engineering. They will study public elementary course for one year and study specialized elementary course and specialized course for half past two years. The term of graduation practice is 20 weeks at least. We will recruit 25 to 35 students every year.