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NMU Accredited by “Studying in China” Higher Education Program


On October 18th, 2018the 19th China Annual Conference for International Education & Expo (CACIE) and its Educational Internationalization and Student Mobility Seminar was held at the National Convention Center. At the meeting, 31 colleges and universities including our university were awarded the “Third Batches of Pilot Institutions for Studying in China Quality Accreditation” certification. In this round of accreditation, our self-assessment report and supporting materials passed the deliberation of the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) expert group with excellent remarks and became the only medical institution exempted from on-site inspections.

On December 15, 2017, our university officially signed a contract to join the third batch of pilot institutions for Studying in China quality accreditation. In order to make sure this accreditation work went well, the university held several special meetings to discuss and formulate the work plans. NMU has established a self-evaluation committee for studying in China quality accreditation with President Shen Hongbing as the chairman, and a working group for studying in China quality accreditation with Vice President Wang Lin as the team leader to fully promote the work.

The working group revolved around the 5 primary indicators, 15 secondary indicators, and 36 major observation points of the indicator system, and has comprehensively combed and summarized the university's studying in China program on the aspects of guiding ideology of running an educational institution, hardware conditions, teaching construction, education management, student activities, quality, influence and features of running an educational institution. And in April 2018, NMU formally submitted the Nanjing Medical University Higher Education Studying in China Quality Accreditation Self-evaluation Report and other supporting materials.

The successful passing of this accreditation is another gratifying achievement of our university's studying in China work after receiving a special inspection of the MBBS program (in English Medium) by the Ministry of Education in 2013.

Reported by: Zhong Yi         Edited by: Wang Hai

Photographed by: Zhong Yi

Translated by: Zhou Li         Reviewed by: Zhang Donghui