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NMU President Shen Hongbing Meets with European Scholar Delegation


Led by Professor Tim Hunt, Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine, a delegation composed of nine renowned European scholars from UK, France, Switzerland, Romania, and Austria visited Nanjing Medical University. Shen Hongbing, NMU President, received the delegation.


President Shen introduced the history and recent development of NMU. He awarded certificates to new members of the editorial board of JBR, NMU’s flagship journal. European scholars elaborated on their research fields and advancement. They expressed heartfelt appreciation of NMU's good momentum of development.

Following discussion focused on JBR and its future. Two sides exchanged ideas on enhancing cooperation in manuscript review, submission, and soliciting paper contributions, thus striving for JBR becoming an SCI journal. Besides, they shared ideas on scientific research, medical education, journal publishing and other issues.


Reported and Photographed by: Nanjing Medical University Press

Translated by: Wei Miao

Edited by: Zhang Donghui