On Sep 27th of 2014, the “NMU Cross-Straight Bio-Medicine Research Summit” was successfully organized by School of Basic Medicines. Attended this forum were about 200 researchers including well known scientists and scholars from 19 institutions from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as teachers and graduate students from NMU. The university vice-president Zhufan Zhang, Jianqing Li and the directors of the Administrative Office for Science and Technology were invited to the forum. Professor Xiao Han, Dean of School of Basic Medical Sciences, hosted the forum. In the opening ceremony, vice president Zhufan Zhang expressed his warmth welcome and briefly introduced the history of our university to the guests. There were 16 research talks throughout the forum. The experts introduced their latest research progresses in their own field followed by extensive questioning and discussion. The “Cross-Straight Bio-Medicine research Summit” is an integral part of the 80th anniversary’s academic activities of NMU, aiming at displaying the latest research progresses in the field of biomedical research and establishing a platform for communication among academic institutes countrywide.   Reported by: School of Basic Medical Sciences Translated by: Ming Xiao |