News & Events

Give AIDS No Chance, Sign and Act – SIE Organizes AIDS Prevention Campaign


With the support of the Labor Union of Nanjing Medical University (NMU), School of International Education (SIE) launched a campaign to prevent AIDS in the square of International Student Apartment, Jiangning Campus on September 8th, 2016, with the theme of “Give AIDS No Chance, Sign and Act”. Around 100 international students of 2016, coming from 20 countries like India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Thailand, Canada, etc., participated in this activity, including undergraduates, master’s students and doctoral students.

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) made full English promotional materials which are relevant to the campaign. Speaker from the Youth Health Club of NMU introduced some related knowledge of AIDS transmission and high-risk behavior in plain English language, and a live demonstration of a series of preventive measures was conducted as well. In the Q&A part, international students showed great interest and actively participated in the quiz. After the presentation, all international students signed on the banner and pleaded to act against AIDS in person. This campaign benefited all the new international students a lot with a better understanding of how to prevent AIDS.

Currently, SIE has over 600 full-time international students and the leadership has always been attaching great importance to the prevention of diseases and health education among international students. In addition to the annual arrangement for new international students to receive a complete and timely health checkup in Jiangsu International Healthcare Center, SIE also organized class meetings and made publicity boards to conduct safety education during the outbreak of avian flu, Ebola virus and Zika virus, trying to create a healthy and harmonious living and learning environment for everyone.

Reported by: Office of Student Affairs, School of International Education

Photographed by: Office of Student Affairs, School of International Education

Translated by: Shen Henglu

Edited by: Zhang Donghui