
Campus Life

  • Student Life

Nanjing Medical University International Students Association Regulations


Chapter 1: About the association

Article 1: Association nameThis Association is named “Nanjing Medical University International Student Association,” Association abbreviated as “NMUISA”.Article 2: Aim of International Student Association(1) In accordance to and as permitted by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, to organize for the international students various activities pertaining to but not limited to academics, scientific research, sports, arts and culture, language and cultural exchange, and community service.  All organized activities will have as objective a comprehensive development of international student studying at Nanjing Medical University.(2) In accordance to and as permitted by the rules and regulations of Nanjing Medical University, in accordance to “a spirit of excellence” as advocated by our university’s motto, to promote cultural exchange and communication among international students from different backgrounds and Chinese students. (3) Help the University and schools in maintaining strict teaching discipline, erudite learning and healthy living environment.(4) Arrange international students into small teams to help solve some frequently encountered problems by other students, such as those related to studies, and campus life.

Chapter 2: Key Members of Student Association

Article 3: EligibilityInternational students of Nanjing medical university, full-time international undergraduates, post graduate students and doctoral students at school. Article 4: Member rightsKey members of this association enjoy the following privileges:(1) Understand and execute affairs of the Association.(2) Promote efficient working conditions and supervise the work of students working on a project.

Chapter 3: Establishment and development

Article 5: Goals

(1) Short-term goals:

Assumption of responsibility by different departments; effective delegation to and running of the Association under the supervision and guidance of Student Affairs Office teachers.

(2) Mid-term goals: Fill in key positions in the Association; efficiently develop a chain of commands to run the Association; build co-operative professional relationships with teachers and other clubs on campus; promote cultural exchange between international and Chinese students.

(3) Long-term goals: Enlarge the scale of the key members of International Student Association, continuously summarize and improve the work of International Student Association, and basically achieve self-management and mutual assistance among international students.

Chapter 4: Department and duties

Article 6: Structure of the student association

The Association consists of 7 departments: the advisory group, presidium, the general affairs department, the academic affairs department, the daily affairs department, the sports department, the arts and culture department and volunteer service department. The advisory group consists of 3 senior consultants.  The presidium consists of the president, and two vice-presidents. The president is the head and Chief Executive Officer of the student Association. The vice-president is acting president, and second in command of the student Association. Each department consists of the director and four members. The director of the department is in charge of his team of members, delegation of duties and project management. Team members work together to bring the project to completion.

Article 7: Duty of the advisory group

Duty of advisory group: The advisory group is composed of international master and doctoral students. It is a bridge between the school management and the postgraduates; meanwhile it provides guidance and advice to the presidium.

Article 8: Duty of the presidium

The presidium is the main decision making head of the student Association and are responsible for all member activities and on-going projects.

Duty of the presidium: to cooperate with college work, and strive to cultivate unity between students; to cultivate a friendly and hardworking atmosphere dedicated to academic excellence and self-development of the whole student body; to reflect on and report in a timely manner to SIE the suggestions and opinions of students; to co-ordinate the work in between the different departments of the Association; to guide and direct the work of each department; to host student meetings; to arrange major events and empower students to work.

Article 9: Duty of general affairs Department

Administration and planning; to assist and guide members with their jobs and tasks; to convey information within the Association and to other related persons; to arrange meetings; to mediate between the presidium and the other departments. To assist in deployment of personnel, convey important notices; to draft activity reports; budgeting.

Article 10: Duty of academic affairs department

Improve academic and exam performance of students; supervise studies, check attendance, assist students in subject related topics and Chinese language. Plan academic exchanges and encourage scientific research to develop hands-on practical skills. Guide and encourage students to represent the school in academic related competitions, e.g. Reading Review Competition, National Clinical Skills Competition. Apart from that, Help Student Affairs Office collect students’ scholarship supporting documents and calculate quality scores.

Article11: Duty of daily affairs department

Help students solve problems encountered in their daily schedule; guide students with frequently asked questions; receive new students and drop off to stations; plan, organize and guide students with procedural tasks such as those required by banks, the visa office, the physical exams office, and on campus one-stop office; accompany the sick to ease hospital related procedures and collect relevant documents for medical insurance; organize regular Safety and Hygiene Inspection of dorm.

Article12: Duty of sports department

Organize sports activities and competitions; to coordinate students and volunteers for smooth operation of all sporting events.

Article13: Duty of arts and culture department

Plan and organize activities surrounding but not restricted to arts, literature, and music; to communicate with other clubs, organize workshops and competitions to improve the life skills of the students.

Article14: Duty of volunteer service department

Help organize volunteer activities and so the summery work.

Chapter 5: Selection of key members

Article15: Election procedure

The School of International Education will notify the establishment of the NMUISA. Eligible candidates may apply by filling the application form and submitting all the required documents.  SIE will dispatch a small team to review all applications, and potential key members will be interviewed. Each member will be elected and hold office for a period of one-year.

Chapter 6: Funds

Article16: Procedure of application for funds

Application for funds should be made by the director of department to the general affairs department. After review, the general affairs department will write a budget plan for a specific activity and submit to Student Affairs Office of School of International Education.  Review and approval will be signed by the heads of School of International Education.

Chapter 7: Rewards

Article17: Additional points and scholarship

The performance of all key members of the student council will be reviewed and graded by SIE and the equivalent points will be added to their profiles when applying for scholarship (added points will be no less than excellent leadership quality points of Current Scholarship Regulation).  Key members with excellent performance will be awarded individual certificates of honor.

Chapter 8: Supplementary provisions

Article18: Interpretation and amendments

The final interpretation of the articles belongs to Nanjing Medical University School of International Education Student Affairs Office. These regulations come into effect from the date of publication of the document.

Student Affairs Office

School of International Education

Nov 8, 2018