
About Us

  • Administration

The Human Resource Department and The Office of Talent Affairs


I. Main Responsibilities of the Department/Office

(I) Sees to conduct the  human resource and talent strategicplanning of NMU, implement the CPC and the national guidelines, policies and regulations for human resource and talent work, study and develop the human resource and talent system reform plans, and draft regulations and systems related to human resources and talents.

(II) Study and formulate talent introduction policies, promotion and management of talent recruitment based on the decisions and opinions of the NMUFaculty Team Construction Committee; responsible for the application management of talent projects at all levels (national, provincial, municipal, and university levels); high-level talent liaison services and other work.

(III) Sees toproduce university-level staffing plan, categorize position configuration and management, study and develop policies related to all-staff recruitment policies and hiring plans.

(IV) Sees to appraise and award professional and technical positions (titles) of all university’s personnel, categorize professional technical positions, study and develop faculty and technical personnel team construction and development plans at NMU.

(V) Sees to study and formulate performance incentive policies, manage and operate theuniversity-wide compensation and benefit distribution system; sees to conduct the pension insurance reform and handle employee welfare at NMU.

(VI) Sees to conduct performance evaluation and ranking, government-sponsored overseas travel, research and training inside or outside China, faculty and staff training, domestic visiting scholars, etc.

(VII) Sees to transact the recruitment and decruitment offaculty and staff, job classificationadjustmentand other related work at NMU.

(VIII) Sees to chair the informationization of NMU human resources management and participate in the informatization construction of NMU.

(IX) Sees todeclare and submit personnel and talent information data to various departments of NMU, issue various human resource certificates.

(X) Complete other tasks designated by the university.

II. Contact Information
