School of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Overview

The Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease and Molecular Intervention (KLCDMI) was founded in 2010. Since its establishment, 34 full-time investigators have joined the lab including 18 full professors, 2 associate professors and 3 assistant professors. More than 100 PhD and Master's students are working in the lab through enrollment in various graduate programs. Currently, investigations in the lab focus on four major themes: (1) Systems biology-based cardiovascular signalome; (2) post-translational modification and epigenetic regulation of cardiovascular disease; (3) small-molecule drug design and targeting in CVD; and (4) interventional therapy in CVD. In the past three years, faculty members of the lab have been awarded multiple research grants from both national and provincial funding agencies totaling 24 million yuan. Several papers have been published in such high-impact journals as Nat Med, PNAS, JACC, AJRCM, Hepatology, and Circ Res.