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The Lancet Senior Executive Editor William Summerskill Visits the First Affiliated Hospital


On December 17, 2018, William Summerskill, senior executive editor of The Lancet, visited the First Affiliated Hospital. The meeting was actively launched in the form of academic seminars and a keynote speech. Wang Changqing, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, Tang Jinhai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, vice president of NMU and president of the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhao Jun, the secretary of the Party Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital, and Hu Zhibin, vice president of NMU and member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, met with the guests. Leaders of other affiliated hospitals and heads of the First School of Clinical Medicine attended the reception.


The academic seminar in the morning was presided over by Professor Kong Xiangqing, the executive vice dean of the First School of Clinical Medicine. Vice President Hu Zhibin introduced NMU’s achievements in academic development in the recent years to the guests. Representatives of cardiovascular medicine, neurosurgery, pancreatic center, liver center, breast surgery and other relevant disciplines reported and exchanged their research topics. Professor Summerskill expressed his interests in the research projects carried out in the First Affiliated Hospital, and gave constructive comments.


The afternoon session of keynote speeches was hosted by President Tang Jinhai. More than 400 people including all hospital leaders, directors of clinical disciplines, deputy directors and heads of functional departments attentively listened to the speech. Secretary Wang Changqing was the first to give his speech. He pointed out that the First Affiliated Hospital plays a pivotal role in the construction of clinical medicine discipline of the university. He hoped that Professor Summerskill's guidance can further improve the level of clinical research and academic level. Prof. Summerskill made a wonderful report entitled How to submit a stronger research manuscript to medical journals. He shared some key points on how to submit high-quality research papers to journals, and guided clinical experts on how to publish high-level academic papers. President Tang Jinhai finally extended his deepest appreciation to Professor Summerskill’s visit and, hoped the experts would sort out their study fields and research data based on the speeches and discussions, to publish academic papers in world leading medical journals as soon as possible and to get more iconic scientific research and hence, further promote the development of hospital quality and finally realize the transition into a high level research hospital.


Reported by: Ni Shouwen and Huang Lin, The First School of Clinical Medicine

Photographed by: Lang Qi and Hou Yumeng, The First School of Clinical Medicine

Reviewed by: Yin Yongmei and Su Rongjian, The First School of Clinical Medicine

Translated by: Du Xiaoqiu

Edited by: Zhang Donghui