Length of SchoolingFour Years

DegreeBachelor of Management


Education Objectives: The education objectives are to train the personnel of health management and medicine possessing plentiful humanistic and cultural qualities, rigorous scientific spirit, strong sense of innovation, high level of political literacy and social responsibility who adapt to the requirements of Chinese social and economic development. Undergraduates are to be trained with basic theories, basic knowledge and skills of health management in order to work for hospital administration, health management. During the four years, students will learn to efficiently search and analyze information, and deal with emergencies of public health. Our final cultivating goals are to train versatile professionals who are competent to embark on hospital administration, health management, and health policy evaluation, etc.


Core Disciplines: Management, Medicine


Main Courses: Principles of Management, Basic Clinical Medicine, Outline of Clinical Diseases, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Organizational Behavior, Basic Management Science, Social Medicine, Health Economics, Health Service Management, Health Law, Epidemiology, Health Statistics, Hospital Management, Health Insurance, Research Methods in Health Management